Asbestos exposure can potentially be very dangerous however; asbestos itself is a wonder mineral that’s by nature fibrous. It is chemical resistant, fire resistant and very strong. It might be easily woven into cloth to create fireproof clothing. Despite being such a wonderful substance it’s quite hazardous to the employees and laborers, who work with it. It leads to various diseases like cancer, fibrosis, asbestos warts and even, asbestosis. Mesothelioma, a killer disease, is the most terrible of all of the ailments caused by exposure to asbestos. For this reason, asbestos use, fabrication and mining were banned in many nations a couple of decades ago. But, there are many states like India and china, which have not imposed an entire ban on asbestos. Even those developed countries, that have banned asbestos, are reaping the troubles of asbestos exposure. The disorders caused due to asbestos exposure have a very long latency period. For instance, mesothelioma may take 40 years to start affecting the individual.
One problem is that when it is mined and made a lot of asbestos dust and asbestos fibers are released to the atmosphere. Since these are invisible and light, they are readily inhaled by the laborers. The trouble begins after this, as these fibers are extremely harmful when inhaled. The tumors may appear in body parts like hearts lungs and abdomen. These tumors could additionally spread through the human body eventually leading to death.
Since asbestos is fireproof, flexible and extremely strong, it is a highly preferred stuff in all kinds of construction work. In some kind or in some way, asbestos is present in tubes, cement, paints, pipes, and sheets etc. Not the laborers but also residents, school kids in schools, officials in all others and offices face the risk of asbestos exposure.
Asbestos exposure in specific industries
- Asbestos Exposure Amongst Firefighters. Year ago, clothing woven with asbestos was worn by firefighters. This fireproof clothing gave rise to various health hazards on account of asbestos exposure. Even now when old buildings collapse due to fire, fire fighters become exposed.
- Asbestos Exposure Amongst Power plants. Generators and the boilers are mainly lined with asbestos. This is accomplished to protect it from extreme heat and fires.
- Asbestos exposure amongst automotive mechanics. Mechanics work with brakes and clutch linings, which include asbestos. Consequently, they get exposed to asbestos. Such asbestos components are still contained by the old vehicles though asbestos is banned now.
- Asbestos Exposure Amongst Miners. Minerals like talc and vermiculite contain asbestos.
- Asbestos Exposure in Shipyards. Most of the elements in ships like steam pipes, incinerators insulation, boilers and hot water pipes include asbestos. It is popularly utilized in ship parts since asbestos is fire proof, chemical proof, powerful and flexible. So, shipyard workers have high danger of developing asbestos related diseases like mesothelioma. Through the Second World War, there was widespread usage of asbestos as well as in US more than 4 million people worked in shipyards. Overhauling and destruction of old boats also releases a lot of asbestos dust and is consequently, very dangerous.
- Asbestos Exposure on Railroads. Just like boats and motivations, railways also made use of asbestos in gaskets, boilers, steam pipes, brakes and clutches.
- Asbestos Exposure at Steel Mills. Asbestos is expected to show up in the thermal Insulation Substances used in steel mills.
- Asbestos Exposure at Oil refineries. It’s anticipated that numerous parts additionally include asbestos, as the amount of mesothelioma is very high among the refinery workers.
While this gives us an in depth knowledge about how asbestos impacts the different areas of workplace, this is not conclusive. It is important to take appropriate attention and be alert to avoid asbestos exposure.