Sick building syndrome is not a well understood indoor building-related sickness. Occupants of affected building complain of various symptoms whose cause is difficult to tell. It has been observed that improving the indoor air quality by increasing the rate of fresh air exchange with the outside air, minimizing use of toxic cleaning compounds, and getting rid of conditions that support mold growth eliminates or reduces sick building syndrome symptoms.
Treatment for Sick Building Syndrome
The following strategies can eliminate or reduce symptoms of sick building syndrome:
- Getting rid of biological contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, mold, algae, and insects.
- Eliminating dampness.
- Using adhesives, paints, pesticides, chemicals and solvents in well-ventilated areas
- Raise the number of air exchanges
- Suitable and periodic maintenance of ventilation, humidity and air condition systems
- Regularly cleaning or replacing filters; restrictions on smoking; getting rid of the pollutant source emissions to the out side; use of pollutant sources when the area is not occupied, and giving enough time for the materials in new or re-modeled areas to off-gas noxious substances before the building is re-occupied.
- Enhancing ventilation rates and distribution of air is a commercial way of decreasing indoor contaminant levels.
- Communicating and educating the building occupants are very important aspects in remedial as well as precautionary air quality management agendas. When the occupants of the building, the management, and the maintenance staff understand the cause and brutal consequences of the problems, they can effectively work together to put a stop to the problems and will be able to successfully solve them.
Prognosis for Sick Building Syndrome
Prognosis for sick building syndrome is good to moderate. Simple treatment and self care measures help manage the symptoms of sick building syndrome effectively. Also, following a good diet and exercise routine helps fight off the manifestations of SBS better. However, those who are extremely sensitive may be left with lasting effects and the outcome in such cases is fairly poor.