The indoor air quality of a home or business is important to the health of the people who live or work in the building. There are many serious health concerns that go along with poor air quality and it is important that we all assess the air quality in order to protect ourselves.
By having in indoor air quality assessment completed you will be able to make the determination as to whether the health symptoms that are being experienced by the people in the home are caused by poor indoor air quality. It can also help you to determine the source of the air quality issue as well as check for problems even if symptoms are not apparent.
Typically, when an air quality assessment is completed, the indoor air professional will begin by asking for a list of symptoms that are being distributed by the people of the home or business. This is a great way to start and will help them make an initial determination as to whether an air quality issue is present.
It is likely that an air quality professional will also consider if asbestos may be at play. Depending on when the home was built, it is possible that asbestos was used in the insulation when the home was constructed. If this is the case, special measures will need to be taken in order to remove the asbestos from the home, so that residents are safe from the dangers of it.
Next, the professional will check for the effects of radon in the home. Radon is a leading cause of lung cancer and can be found in the soil around most homes. If there are ways for it to get into the home and become trapped, it can cause health related issues as it builds up. It is important to have these issues repaired because of the increased risk of developing lung cancer.
Throughout the indoor air quality assessment a professional will also check for the presence of pesticides in the home as well. These can be brought into the home through certain building materials that were used or simply by certain cleaning products that we use on a regular basis.
Other areas that will be checked are combustion sources. For example, it is likely that you will be asked questions such as whether you smoke in the home as well as how much you smoke in the home. Having an attached garage can also be something that is assessed during the process as well.
Testing contaminants will also be considered while this assessment has been completed. For those who have excessive amounts of dust in our homes or have hobbies that produce dust, the air quality may not be as healthy as in homes that do not have these issues.
It is important to keep the air quality of our home healthy and clean because it can cause many issues with our health if it is not treated correctly. After this assessment has been completed, it is important to correct any issues that are found as soon as possible.